Smoke Emitter Cartridges - HVAC and Refrigeration


Smoke Emitters

If you need better smoke emitters, come to REGIN HVAC Products, Inc. Professionals and DIY enthusiasts around the world use our products to troubleshoot airflow issues, monitor system efficiencies, test new products, and more. With our clean, non-toxic, and versatile smoke emitters, you can create and use smoke in many of different applications. The next time you need a little smoke to get the job done, think of the REGIN brand name. Since 1986, we’ve built a reputation for success in the smoke products industry. Explore our product line today.

How Can I Use Smoke Emitters?

For those who have never used smoke emitters, one of the most common questions we receive is about use cases. One of the most popular uses for smoke products is applied in the HVAC industry. Professionals use smoke cartridges around air intakes to identify leaks in ductwork. This use case only represents the tip of the iceberg; among the many applications for our products, here are some of the most common:

  • Negative pressure testing. HVAC professionals must often gauge the pressure differences between two locations. If the pressure in space is greater or lower than outside areas, that change can pull or push air in an undesirable way.

Our smoke pens, in particular, work well for negative pressure testing. Professionals can close off the space and then open a door or window just a crack before igniting the wick on the smoke pen. The air will push or pull the smoke and give the professional a better idea about pressure differences and possible solutions.

  • Industry ventilation and exhaust systems. In commercial and industrial areas, our customers commonly use our cartridges and pens to test and troubleshoot fume hoods and other air quality systems. Our smoke emitters also work well for air filtration unit testing, smoke stack troubleshooting, and more.
  • Fire drills and training. Our larger cartridges can create smoke to cover thousands of square feet. The smoke dissipates quickly, but gives firefighting teams and others a chance to see and understand how smoke moves in a real-world situation. The non-toxic solution gives teams a way to practice without unnecessarily endangering themselves.
  • Smoke alarm testing. Find out how well commercial and private smoke alarms really work with a simulated smoke test. Use our smoke emitters around sensors to ensure functionality.
  • Smoke bomb creation. Paintball and airsoft gun players often use harmless smoke bombs to add a layer of intrigue to the game. Our smoke cartridges come in a variety of different colors that can take a game the next level without endangering any of the players.
  • Visual arts. The image of smoke on the silver screen or in a photograph is often beautiful and completely unique. We work with creative professionals and hobbyists looking for a realistic smoke simulation.

In addition to these use cases, customers may use our smoke emitters to find air leaks around windows and doors, in the automotive industry, and in lab environments. The product line is designed to work effectively in a number of real world applications.

All Kinds of Smoke Emitters

Our product line features products that emit a small burst of smoke as well as those that last eight minutes and cover up to 18,000 cubic feet of space. The application largely determines which of our smoke emitters will work best for your needs.

Our general categories include:

  • Smoke cartridges. Use these colored, perfumed, or clean smoke generators in single use applications. The smallest cartridges will last 45 seconds. Many of our customers prefer the intermediate packs that can last 3-4 minutes and cover a thousand or more cubic feet of space. Most of our cartridges come in multi-packs for large projects or smaller projects spread out over time.
  • Smoke pens. Our smoke pens contain replaceable and reusable wicks. Each wick can last continuously for up to 30 minutes at one time. Users can recap the pen to save and reuse each wick multiple times. With competitively priced refill kits and a slim, portable profile, these pens are an ideal addition for your professional or at-home toolbox.
  • Smoke matches. Our smoke matches provide users with 15-20 flows of white, clean smoke. Available in containers of 25 or 100, these smoke emitters work well for simple airflow applications involving air filters, smoke alarms, fans, and more. Many photographers appreciate these matches, because the ashes and match are cold to the touch right after use.
  • Powdered smoke bottles. Consider our powdered smoke bottles for applications that cannot involve ignition. We sell both low and medium-velocity bottles for a diverse range of applications. The easy-to-use bottles will generate a stream of smoke with a simple squeeze.

Each of our smoke emitters offers a slightly different experience that can work well in several different applications. Choose an individual product based on a specific set of needs or stock up on several types of smoke products for unanticipated needs. We look forward to helping you choose the right smoke emitters for the job.

The Best Investment in Smoke Emitters

Improve your everyday efficiency when you invest in one or more of our high-quality smoke emitters. Over the past several decades, we’ve seen our customers use their smoke products more often than they ever imagined. When you see our smoke pens, cartridges, and bottles in action, you’ll start to realize the diverse ways you can use the smoke product. Use them for work or for recreation.

At REGIN HVAC Products, Inc., we’re proud to offer competitively priced products and work with a network of distributors who carry the REGIN brand name. If you see the name, you can trust in the quality of the product you’ve chosen.

Our smoke emitters never leave behind residue, and they dissipate completely within minutes of ignition. Find your reason to carry a portable smoke product with you today. For more information about our smoke emitters or any of our many featured products, call our office at (203) 881-2600.


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